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Innotek - Pet Home & Travel Essentials

Training problems with your cat or dog have you upset? Are you searching for the right device to safely and humanely control your dog's barking or your cat's destruction of household items? HealthyPets' extensive selection of

Innotek training collars

and other behavioral modification devices can help you control your dog or cat.


offers a wide selection of anti-bark and electronic fencing devices to help keep your pet safely and quietly contained. In addition, we offer a selection of citronella anti-bark devices, sound tone based devices, and basic remote trainers. Innotek offers training tools for all different types of dogs including their Lap Dog Trainer, which is the smallest available training collar on the market. All of Innotek's devices have been deemed safe and human to use on dogs of all breeds and sizes. Cat owners can also benefit through Innotek's SSSCAT deterrent, a scentless to humans spray device that is motion detected and can help keep your feline out of household plants, off furniture, and more. For the best in training collars, invisible fence systems, cat deterrent products, and anti-bark training tools, look no further than HealthyPets' selection of Innotek products!